Top 3 Places to Buy Seeds

Top 3 Places to Buy Seeds

Soil blocked cucumbers
Can you believe it? I don’t know about you but I’ve definitely felt this shift in weather and within myself! I can see things budding and the willow tree near my raised bed garden is turning green again.
With warm weather nearing everyone is ready to get some seeds!
So I wanted to share my favorite places to buy seeds online:
Sugar daddy peas (soil blocked)
Don’t get me wrong, I love going to the big box store and buying seeds. But it’s also nice to buy seeds online. I mean for one you don’t have to leave the house. But what’s even better are all the varieties you can choose from! I hope you enjoy adding seeds to your collection. Or if you’re anything like me you might just become a seed addict…and we do have a group that meets for this but usually we just end up enabling each other so….yea….
But I wanted to take moment to share my favorite options for buying seeds online!
1.) MI Gardener. I love buying from them because they have free shipping on orders over $12! And I can easily spend $12 on seeds so that’s awesome! They have a wonderful variety of unique seeds. I’m talking anything from vegetables, fruits to flowers.
2.) Johnny Select. Johnny Select is great for buying bulk seeds, or even just a simple packet. They have the best growing instructions on their seed packets too, it definitely comes in handy.
3.) True Leaf. I like True Leaf because you can buy really large quantities of seeds. Sometimes you need a few thousands… right? Ok, maybe its just me, but just incase you ever need a lot of seeds check them out!
Happy Growing!
Your Friend & Farmer Amanda 🌱🌻
Royal carrots down in late fall
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